Take your financial creator career to the next level now.

Stock Card's Partner Program comes with a specialized suite of products designed to help you better distribute your investment ideas, engage your community, and monetize more consistently.

Partner With Us

Some of our partners

Why partner with us?

High-Quality Stock Market Research Tool & Widgets

Access and share Stock Card's easy-to-use and intuitive stock market research and discovery tool. You can embed our widgets in your website or blog or user Stock Card to create content and share our intuitive and insightful visualizations with your audience.


Portfolio Sharing Technology

Stock Card’s platform lets you create and share your portfolio with your community at no cost and saves you the hassle of sending manual updates. You can keep it free or charge for it without the hassle of Google Sheets and excel files.


Stock-Picking Contest Technology

You can run a stock-picking contest and leaderboard for your community without the hassle of juggling between Google sheets and manual leaderboard maintenance. Stock Card can also sponsor your contests' prizes to engage your community.


Stock Market Scoring Platform

Create and launch your own scoring system and let your community filter the entire Stock Market universe based on what you believe is the appropriate scoring system. In a way, launch your own index without any hassle.


Featuring & Distribution

Stock Card features you and your work to its entire user base through our Portfolio Center, featuring and inviting you to appear as a guest on Stock Card's YouTube and Podcast show that is distributed on social media and to all users.



Stock Card compensates the creators with fixed sponsorship payments (exclusive to larger creators) and recurring revenue share, regardless of the size of your community.